It's not going to influence the vaccinationprogram or the vaccination rate, but it could influence how soon we getback to normal.WALLACE: Doctor, let me talk to you about another possible concern.If we were to reach those goals, that pretty soon after that the problemwith vaccines is not going to be supply, it's going to be demand andwhether people are willing to actually get the vaccine.I want to put up a public service announcement that four of our former U.S.presidents put out this week.Take a look. Legal Statement. And that the stimulus, additional stimulus to this package isestimated by some liberal economists it may ignite inflation.There's a danger here, Chris. If he came out and said, goand get vaccinated, it's really important for your health, the health ofyour family and the health of the country, it seems absolutely inevitablethat the vast majority of people who are his close followers would listento him. Alec Cabacungan featured on Fox & Friends 1st Degree Marketing & Public Relations 72 subscribers Subscribe 35K views 4 years ago Meet Alec Cabacungan: the face of Shriners Hospitals for. The economy is recovering. He's like any other kid into video games, and more recently cars. Alec Cabacungan is the fourth child of his super proud parents, Gil and Alma Cabacungan. He brings a smile to everyone he meets, and has ever since he was 2 months old, Gil Cabacungan said. And there's --WALLACE: Well, wait, wait, I'm -- I'm not --I'm not really saying -- I'mnot saying -- I'm not saying -- let me just make it clear, I'm not sayingthat, I'm just saying, you know, we know he can make gaffes, he can go offon tangents. A stress fracture in his shin. And there have actually also beensome pretty significant changes that the Mexican government has made thathas made it impossible in some cases to turn these kids around.So, listen, this president inherited a mess from Donald Trump when it comesto immigration. Alec Cabacungan Frequently Asked Question s (FAQs) Q1. But I don't have to tell you even after thehorrors of Sandy Hook and the AME church in Charleston, the Senate rejectedthose.What makes you think it's going to be any different this time, sir?MURPHY: Well, you know, there's very little that's more popular in Americatoday than universal background checks. We're on boardwith that. And you put in the work to make it happen.SPUNT: But despite hopes for bipartisanship, not a single Republican votedfor the package, insisting large portions have nothing to do with pandemicrelief.MCCONNELL: I think this is actually one of the worst pieces of legislationI've seen passed here in the time I've been in the Senate.SPUNT: Those same Republicans united against relief plan are standing byfor the president's other priorities, most notably infrastructure andimmigration reform.REP. "I play hard. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)WALLACE: At least in the short-term, Democrats' legislative victory thisweek is likely to be politically popular, but what if the economy overheatsand some of the massive new spending doesn't stand up to scrutiny?Joining us now, Democratic Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut.Senator, I just heard, as I'm sure you heard, discussing some of thepositives of the plan with Senator Cassidy. We admire Alec for his successes in both his professional and personal lives. Shriners Hospital for Children in Chicago has been extremehelpful in my life.WALLACE: Still, there's no cure, so Alec lives with his disease.CABACUNGAN: I've broken over 60 bones in my lifetime. "It's the contact, it's the fast pace, it's everything you have in sports except just in a wheelchair," he said. "Today's going to be better, I promise you!". However, Alec is an optimistic person, and after breaking bones more than 60 times, he has not lost hope. His net worth is likely to be around $1 million or even $5 million by the time he graduates in 2021. It seems like an intrinsic contradiction,the fact that you had a program that was started during his presidency andhe's not out telling people to get vaccinated. So, you know, he's doing the same strategy hedid during the campaign. Despite having fragile bones from birth, Cabacungan was nevertheless able to achieve success. With 22 hospitals all around North America, that means he's on the road about 80 days a year. It would be very helpful tothe effort for that to happen.I'm very surprised at the high percentage of Republicans who say they don'twant to get vaccinated. The first one about what I was referringa couple of weeks ago on your show about like open season, meaning youdon't have to fall into one of the priority categories. Now let's put that in perspective. I'll live with it until I die.". The Cabacungans expressed immense gratitude to Shriners, which they said gives outstanding care to children with rare conditions without burdening families financially. Almost everything in this bill is simply an extension of theprograms that Republicans were wildly enthusiastic about back when theywere in charge of the White House and the Senate. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)MITCH MCCONNELL, (R-KY), SENATE MINORITY LEADER: This wasn't a bill tofinish off the pandemic, it was a multitrillion dollar Trojan horse full ofbad, old, liberal ideas. We're not going to face an inflation problem,we're going to be sitting on an economy that is going to grow twice as fastas it would have without this bill. Legal Statement. OnTuesday, he'll visit the swing state of Pennsylvania. I use my wheelchairdaily, 24/7, so I can't walk. Hes broken more than 60 bones in his body and has had more than a dozen surgeries; amid it all, his optimistic and determined attitude inspires others. They might beright, but it's important for the public interest that he does this sort ofthing.WALLACE: Yes, and I think, Jonathan, you and I may have our own ideas aboutwith whom he should do that first in-depth interview.SWAN: Yes, that's not self-serving at all, right!WALLACE: (INAUDIBLE). Well, let me tell you, the crisis in America'sschools is going to last beyond this year. Hes using that platform as best he can to make people aware.. He's an amazing young man, and a source of Hope for people around the world. Some mornings, he wakes up with horrible pain; others, he feels great. What is the physical appearance of Alec Cabacungan? After a few months, when Alec Cabacungan was on vacation, some people noticed him as he did not know the commercial was a big success. It is a rare genetic disorder that affects 1 out of 20,000 births. He has worked in advertising for a long time and has made a name for himself as a trustworthy and honest person. After all, they have received training in successful media relations and message delivery. While there are many, chances are you may know Shriners Hospitals for Children because of one very special patient. 10.8k Followers, 518 Following, 25 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Alec Cabacungan (@aleccabacungan) aleccabacungan. Cabacungan keeps up his work as a spokesperson for Shriners Hospital and his fight for honesty and reliability. People want to be confident they are receiving the best treatment available when they are ill or injured, after all. He hosts his ownYouTube show talking with athletes.CABACUNGAN: You played in the NFL and then you made the switch toHollywood.WALLACE: And he plays wheelchair basketball. It'sactually quite easy for a president to do a press conference.What I would love to see Biden do, not just press conference, but serious,sit down one-on-one interviews where he can actually -- not for the benefitof the interviewer, for the public -- answer serious, depth questions withfollow-ups because that's where you actually test their thinking and youactually get a sense of whether there's more understanding from them or youget insight into their thinking of how they made decisions. It's related to kind ofhelping a blue state.Those of the things I'm speaking of.WALLACE: All right, but let's -- let's talk about other aspects of thepackage because as you well know, this pandemic is not just a public healthcrisis, it's also an economic crisis and according to the White House,stimulus payments will go to 91 percent of the adults in your state ofLouisiana and 93 percent of the children. But the disease and his wheelchair are things hell deal with his whole life, he said, so theres no point in being negative or staying in his room all day. He's thought of being a sports broadcaster, in fact, which explains the makeshift TV studio in Alec's bedroom. ", Sports, just about any sport, is his escape. Follow. A broken ankle. His parents were aware that something was wrong with his body when he was born, but they chose to ignore it. He has worked in advertising for a long time and has made a name for himself as a trustworthy and honest person. His service and leadership have helped many people in the police force. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. Cabacungan is all too familiar with this. He was a member of the Fleet Reserve, American Legion and was an avid . "I'm healthy right now, so right now we're staying away from Dr. Smith," he laughed. So Senator Murphy, how does that qualify as COVID relief?SEN. He is going tofollow his own instincts, which is to try to tough it out, because that'sthe kind of person he is. Alec Cabacungan salary is nearly $1 million. The area at Shriners Hospitals for Children-Chicago where a basketball court has been named in honor of Alec Cabacungan is filled with light, and those who know the 16-year-old Oak Parker would describe him the same way. I think that's quite reasonable.The amount of vaccines that are going to be available by the end of May, I-- clearly that's something that's right on target with the new contractsthat have been made with the pharmaceutical companies to get even moredoses. We'll see.Is it better to let people keep their own money or is it better to take itfrom them and give it back? Alec personifies that.. And when we learned it was a son, and learned that he had a disability, it was quite emotional.". That was 171 percentincrease February of 2021 over February of 2020.How much responsibility, Senator, do you think President Biden and hischange in policies in these first 50 days, how much responsibility does hebear for the surge at the border?CASSIDY: Empirically, it is entirely. Lifes a beach under the basket for Lemonts Miles Beachum. As in this disorder, your bones break very easily. Cabacungan said he was humbled by and excited for the honor rare for someone just 16, his father pointed out. I'd be lying toyou if I said that it doesn't, but it gets to me every now and then.WALLACE (on camera): But it doesn't sound like you're two down for toolong.CABACUNGAN: I'm not. Any company needs positive PR, but hospitals need it more than any other type of business. This isn't just some kind of atheoretical -- a point that I'm trying to make. GOP strategist Karl Rove, JonathanSwan from "Axios," and former DNC Chair Donna Brazile.Jonathan, the Andrew Cuomo saga entered a new chapter on Friday when thestate's two Democratic senators, Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand,called for the senator to step down, along with 16 of the state's 19Democratic members of Congress, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez andJerry Nadler.Jonathan, what do you think the calculation was by the New Yorkcongressional delegation, and is there any chance that President Biden willjoin the chorus calling on Governor Cuomo to step down?JONATHAN SWAN, NATIONAL POLITICAL REPORTER, "AXIOS": Well, part of this isthat -- that Andrew Cuomo doesn't have a lot of friends, doesn't have a lotof ingrained loyalty and affection for him over the years. "But if something bad does happen, I know that we'll get through it. It's a lot of fun.This is a special place. And that's a little bit differentthan the shenanigans that may have taken place during Governor Northam'smedical school days.I think the key moment was not Friday when the members of the congressionaldelegation came out in favor of the governor's resignation, it was Thursdaywhen a grand total of 118 of the 213 members of the state senate and stateassembly came out in favor of either his resignation or his impeachment.And that day the house -- the assembly in New York, began an investigationinto this. Dr. Peter Smith, orthopedic surgeon at Shriners Hospital for Children-Chicago, speaks during a May 15 dedication of the basketball court in the two-story atrium area of the hospital building, 2211 N. Oak Park Ave. in Chicago, in the name of patient Alec Cabacungan. It's not hyperbole, it's a fact.WALLACE (voice-over): Big promises from President Biden as the rollout ofhis American Rescue Plan gets underway while Republicans who all votedagainst the package pushed back.SEN. He mostly invites athletes to his Youtube channel. Alec Cabacungan was born to parents Alma and Gill Cabacungan in 2002. His social media accounts, however, have yet to be validated. But if you do it prematurely, there really is a danger oftriggering another surge.WALLACE: President Biden set a number of goals for the nation in his speechto the country this week.Let's take a look. Sixteen-year-old Alec Cabacungan, Shriners Hospitals for Children national spokesperson, tells Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace how he has grabbed the hearts of viewers, helping children who need specialized care. We need more journalists with disabilities. TIL of Alec Cabacungan, the spokesperson for Shriners Childrens Hospital for the last 6 years, has Brittle Bone Disease. He was born on June 14, 1933 in Narvacan, Iloc So, yes, economichealth was needed for families as well as for businesses. (END VIDEO CLIP)WALLACE: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo responding to growing calls toresign after now not six, but seven women have come forward to accuse himof inappropriate behavior.And it's time now for our Sunday group. If you have watched the Shriners Childrens Hospitals advertisements, you must remember this child. . The amount of catch-up the kidsare going to have to do, the amount of work we're going to have to do todeal with the trauma that has been inflicted on kids who have been out ofschool for so long is significant.And so, yes, some of this money is going to be able to be spent in the nextschool year as well, because we know we have a herculean endeavor ahead ofus to try to make sure that kids and families are made whole. That $41 billion is not related to COVID. Everyone has helped me think positive, Cabacungan said, crediting his support system. It's a demanding job for anyone, let alone someone whose bones are about as fragile as a tea cup. And that makes them really special, said Alma Cabacungan, adding that medical professionals there keep in mind, how can we make something happen for this child so they can participate in normal activities?. That's something that Republicans andDemocrats should be able to agree on very soon.WALLACE: Senator Murphy, thank you. More than 8,500 unaccompanied minors, 8,500,are now being held in HHS shelters. Alec Cabacungan. At starting, Cabacungan was a bit shy to do the acting part as he felt that his friends or classmates would make fun of him; however, the hospital members convinced him to act as they told him that by this commercial, the people who are unaware of this rare disease you will educate them and the person who is suffering from this disease would get inspired. He is also the father of three sisters. This includes his acting salary and the money he made from endorsement deals and other financial assets. I waselected by the people. And now, in his moment of need, he is finding himself veryisolated.Him and Chuck Schumer have a terrible relationship. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. "We tried for our fourth child, and hopefully it was going to be a son. CBO says the amount of money already allocated towardseducation is so much, it can't be spent this year. and he's a Shriners Kid, himself. And Ithink that's in part because the politics here have changed.NRA A-rated members of the House and Senate are losing their seats in a waythat they didn't a decade ago. 10.8K followers. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)WALLACE: You may not know his name, but you definitely know his face, andyou've watched him grow up on camera and, yes, touch your heart.Here's our "Power Player of the Week. "It'll be with me for my life. Watch the full media interview and receive a FREE VIP Success Club invite here Cabacungan (showcase) on THE STRIP LIVE (with Maria Ngo and Ray DuGray) #VIPNetMedia #VIPcelebNET #VIPbizNET Credit: @VIPNetMediaGet your FREE VIP Access Pass and join our VIP Success Club to connect with top celebrities, entrepreneurs, executives, and industry experts Visit Follow us @VIPNetMedia to engage with our celebrity cast Click or tap link in bio for all access pass Who is your favorite V.I.P. Thank you for leading the way today, Alec! (COMMERCIAL BREAK)(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)MAYOR BILL DE BLASIO (D), NEW YORK CITY: And it's not one, it's not two,it's not three, it's not four, it's not five, it's six women who have comeforward.GOV. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)BARACK OBAMA, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: So we urge you to get vaccinated whenit's available to you.GEORGE W. BUSH, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: So roll up your sleeve and do yourpart.BILL CLINTON, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: This is our shot.JIMMY CARTER, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: Now it's up to you. Alecs example is one that we can all take to heart. Its hardly surprising that Alec can live comfortably with such a large net worth. We'll ask Senator ChrisMurphy about concerns the relief package will overheat the economy and spura wave of inflation. Alec has a Youtube channel as he loves sports, and on his track, he discusses and analyses sports. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)LARRY SUMMERS, FORMER U.S. TREASURY SECRETARY: There's a real possibilitythat within the year we are going to be dealing with the most seriousincipient inflation problem that we have faced in the last 40 years. So we're going to bring this bill up for avote in the United States Senate. "I took my first steps on this court. He's -- he's not going to listento the music no matter how loud it plays in and around him. Please come back, sir.FAUCI: Thank you, Chris, good to be with you.WALLACE: Up next, we'll bring in our Sunday group to discuss the fate ofNew York Governor Andrew Cuomo as more members of his own party push forhis resignation. His father is from Asia and his mother is from the USA. You have proposed similarlegislation in the Senate. However, his Social media accounts are yet not verified. Market data provided by Factset. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)WALLACE: Coming up, more big-name Democrats call on Governor Andrew Cuomoto step down. Andhe still hasn't held a press conference. It's bad, it's getting worse, as we just reported, FEMA is goingto go down there to try and help manage the problem and we're not even inthe peak migration period of April and May.MURPHY: Listen, this is a challenge, but the point I'm making is that youhad the 11 year high of presentations at the border in the middle of theTrump presidency, so this idea that Donald Trump's policies --WALLACE: I know, and then it went down after that, sir.MURPHY: Then it went down and at the end of Trump's presidency it startedto come back up again --(Crosstalk)WALLACE: It's more than double what it was a year ago.MURPHY: Yes, but -- so the point being that the evidence suggests that itisn't the policy of the U.S. administration that drives migration to theUnited States, it's the desperation of the circumstances that these peopleare living under.So let's follow Joe Biden's advice and start putting some money intohelping quell the reasons for migration. Therefore, while having hospital staff promote the hospital has its merits, there are also numerous benefits to using a professional spokesperson. . And if the surge back up comes,that would endanger the goal of getting people much more towards normal inthe beginning of the summer. Alec is an athlete and sports broadcaster, despite having Brittle Bone Disease. His parents, Alma and Gill, got the news before he was born. Alec Cabacungans body structure, still his height and weight, are yet not revealed. His longtime physician at Shriners in Chicago is orthopedic surgeon Dr. Peter Smith, an expert in brittle bone disease. Thanks for your time this weekend.It's always good to talk with you, sir.CASSIDY: Thank you, Chris.WALLACE: Up next, the response from Democrats. The treatment, which he calls the "Cabacungan Method," involves using a special bleaching gel that is applied to the teeth for two minutes and then removed. It wouldreally be a game changer if he did.WALLACE: Dr. Fauci, thank you. Vaccines,as you mentioned, every day we get more and more people vaccinated, whichgets us closer and closer to a better protection. ALLRIGHTS RESERVED. "I've broken over 60 bones in my lifetime," he said. Alec Cabacungan started his career as a spokesperson at Shriners Childrens Hospital. They had no plans to pay for that.Once again, when it comes to supporting the richest, wealthiest Americans,Republicans are very enthusiastic about debt-financed tax cuts, but when itcomes to supporting poor people or folks in the middle class, all of thesudden it's too hot for their taste.WALLACE: Senator , let's turn to the surge of immigration at the border,as I just went over the numbers with Senator Cassidy, the highest since Mayof 2019, especially of unaccompanied minors.President Biden has suspended a Trump policy that asylum-seekers mustremain in Mexico for their hearings. ThePayroll Protection Plan money that was put in the December bill is adequatefor the time being. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)MAYOR BILL DE BLASIO (D), NEW YORK CITY: Do something that's decent afterthese many, many indecent revelations and simply resign. I'm going to ask you aquestion straight out, I want a straight answer. Every weekend I'm shootinghoops with my friends. When he was 12 years old, The Shriners hospital member asked him to be in their advertisement. 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