Lying about what?, He smiles at her innocence, unable to meet her eyes. Ive read your thoughts, Kara. He could easily give her a made-up reason. Why did I become that?, That was the question I asked myself when I first met you. Alex is indeed not among the dead, but at this moment, she might wish she were. Lena looks at the name. The whole family, in its entirety, needs to band together to help their loved one. It wasnt my job., Kara finally gets it, shaking her head and giving a frustrated smirk. The determination this woman has. He opens the box and his nose is abruptly filled with Karas smell, of her loft. Not funny, Brainy., Lena glances up at him. A Day In The Life Of A Hero. The two women stare at each other a moment, realizing how much they missed one another before Cat breaks the silence. His gaze returns to her, and she looks up at him curiously. James stands in the doorway, helmet in his hands, still in his suit. Kara tilts her head. Kara leans back and scrunches her eyes. You. I promise., Can you? he asks, not meaning for it to sound degrading. He sits back down and opens the next one, instantly shutting it after seeing a glimpse of whats inside. And my wifes. She could lay with him here for hours if she wanted to. I care so much about both of you. Greatest death bed wish a man could ask for. He smiles, and Kara puts her hip against his. Come on, Kara. Immediately, he takes off his own and puts on the old one. Thats what she hears. Talking about you, our friends, its the only thing that keeps us sane., She reaches forward, taking his hand. But she herself did the same. And whether I wanted to tell you the truth or not, are you okay with it? He takes a step towards her. What do you mean, not jail?, Kara purses her lips. Shes in trouble. Im so sorry. So far, only the old ones remain. This incident could have happened anywhere to anyone and nobody would have seen it coming. Lena shakes her head in agreement, finally coming to terms with the truth. I am your handler. Family. Let the words speak for themselves and let the audience decide. She takes a stiff step forward, slowly making her way to Alex. Alex tapes up the gauze, stepping away and putting frustrated hands on her hips. No, you didnt do anything, and honestly, I would really like an answer to that. They work together but its tense., He misses you every day. Knew how it sounded. And your family., He hums, a smirk crawling on his face. Lena takes a step forward, snatching Karas purse from the ground. Mon-El waves her into a booth near the corner. I know. Okay, Alex whispers to herself, rounding the gurney to Karas broken shoulder. It had felt like forever since the two women had seen each other, and it would finally be under circumstances that didnt involve the chance of anyone dying or Air Force One crashing. Youre hurting me!, Like you hurt me? Kara yells, burning another hole on the other side of her head. She removes her hand from the table, her legs no longer weak and head clear. His hands rest on her hips, tracing her sides up and down. I thought I saw him. To who?, Youd think in your own fantasy youd know who you want to be married too, he mumbles under his breath. Ultimately they get back together at the end of the musical crossover. They will easily have more Kryptonite waiting if this operation gets out of control., Kara sighs, her face scrunching. I shouldnt have said that. Kara shakes her head. How had her friend become so good at lying? Mon-El? She asks, rubbing her eyes again. What is it? He asks. Lenas brow furrows, walking over to her. The smoke in her lungs and dust in the air has rendered her useless. Quickly, his hand dives into his pocket and emerges with a grenade. She closes the door and walks into the living room, finding him standing at the end of the couch, looking down sympathetically at Yvette. I just feel guilty. The monitors display images of the brain, certain lobes highlighted and marked specifically. Alex tilts her head. A whimper or cry something of the sort, erupted from behind her closed door. Kara and Mon-El start off rocky as they are from rival planets. The only person who is at fault today is the man who fired that weapon. One more stupid joke and I was going to snap., Kate leans toward her, needing to hear the rest of it. Just as she did to me. It hasnt stopped. They stride forward, propelling them to safety. Deleted all her social media. He screwed everything up, and now, as he looks at Kara giving all his stuff back to him, as if he were never even here, he cant move. Youve been on worse dates, Kara reminds, making him smile. Fifteen minutes later, Alex walks into the bar in casual clothes, her hair now falling to the side of her face. First, the president was coming to the DEO to check on Alexs new direction since she took over for Jonn. Alexs plan seemed to be working. He pouts but still advances. I suppose., Alex breathed relief. He copies her, eyes now on her face. She hardly has time to close the door before Kara wraps her arms around her waist, pressing her head into Lenas stomach and sobbing. I think so.. But dont count out Alex, James, Lena, or any others. Especially Kara., But I didnt call to talk about her. Shes stabilized, Lena announces with a monotone voice. Im not a villain. Once back at the DEO, she and Mon-El find Jonn for answers. Its a Kryptonite tranquilizer. I Saw Maggie She manages between wheezes. And since you should be dead, youre expendable. Truthfully, I dont know how we stayed friends because of that., Kara laughs lightly, his story reflecting on her and Lenas friendship so precisely. Its safe to say that this planet isnt keeping me from anything.. And it broke him., Alex nods slowly. So this is my version of Fix it Supergirl finale / Karamel Endgame. Ill say Kelly broke up with me., Okay, and youve had enough wine for tonight, her girlfriend decides, picking up the bottle from the coffee table and pushing it farther away. Every single day I had to lie a part of me died. Listen, I know she hurt you but you cant do this. But no tears fill her eyes. You cant leave me here! Mmm, not until I finish my glass, please. Well since you know my name shouldnt I know yours? she asks with a lift of her eyebrow. He just would never admit it. One of the many things Krypton used against them when in an argument, and he was the crown prince. I deserve to die for hurting you so badly. Just as long as we get to dig into your past., Kara looks away from her, gathering her thoughts and emotions into a tidied story she can tell. I also almost died and Mon-El saved me, but thats a story for a different time. She rolls her eyes, remembering their fantasy musical world. His hand runs along the red word, then he stops, quickly ripping it away. Just as she steps through the frame, she pauses, looking over her shoulder at Alex. She embraces him, and Kara watches longingly as her body is engulfed in his arms, his eyes closing as he sighs against her. Youre a new father now. Youll figure it out, both of you. I know its not exactly home, but its-. I just dont know what to do., Alex places a hand on Karas arm and smiles. Dont do that, she whispers, gritting her teeth. Her brows furrow and she looks at him. Wife. Are you alright?. The pressure in her head makes her ears pop as her face is pressed into the pavement. She had never thought shed see him again. I havent referred to you as Kara ever since it actually sunk in you were Supergirl. Yeah, right? Superman was off galavanting with her mother and Lois, as well as their eight-year-old son. I missed that.. Um Alex stutters, putting a hand on the table to ground herself. James finds her hand and squeezes it. In 2x21 (Resist) Rhea essentially kidnaps, both Mon-El and Lena, and forces them into marriage, in an attempt to bind Humans and Daxamites. It wasnt worth it. Broken Up Whos to say you wont do it again? I shouldve known most people lie on those. Kara laughs at him, not keeping it in. His thumb hadnt stopped swiping across her knuckles, so she knew he wasnt asleep. He grins, spreading his arms in show but Kara cant move. The two aliens advance toward it carefully, slightly expecting an ambush. Lena motions for Alex to sit, and she obeys. Im going to send out a BOLO for Mxy to the other heroes. He cant lie to her. Kara was raised in a caring, loving family that accepted her and t Melissa and Blake were married. And then there was the ring. If you knew me at all youd know that is the last thing Id want. Shed said his name. Throughout their getaway, both sisters cry out in pain. Is that new, by the way? Now, please. He pulls his arm out of her grasp but keeps his body close to hers. The night felt like a dream. So smart. But you, you Kara Zor-El," Lena leaned up to peck Kara on the nose, "You pulled me from the waters and saved me, time and time again. She leaves behind a heartbroken Lena who finds out she is pregnant. But she hides it too well, and he backs away defeated. And I dont think I can change her mind about it., Kara nods. God, no! She wanted to be with her for the first few nights back, making sure she was stable. At every new detail, two more popped up that held them back. Im calling to ask if you could allow Kara Danvers today off. Indeed, Alex agrees, raising her eyebrows. I had promised myself after Lena and Is blowout I would never start something with anyone because I had to lie. She holds the unmistakable body of a fired bullet, covered in red slime and black gunpowder. Still protecting me from beyond the grave, I see., You, Lena says easily. I would die with her finger on the trigger again and again if it meant her knowing the truth. I thought But there was one piece Kara couldnt find the place for. She didn't know where she was going, didn't know what she was looking for, the only thing she was aware of was that heaviness in her chest, that unease she'd been carrying for the past few days, "This was impossible. She would let herself cry over her mother, Agro, Oliver, and the billions of people who didnt make it off Earth later. The pants with loose strings he wrapped around his fingers till they went white. She remembers when he brought it home to show her they carry food in small tubes. The door shuts, and Kara is left alone with a ring on her finger and fresh scenes in her mind. No, just. Now, shes on a path of revenge for getting back what she lost., I dont know anymore. Youre here! Then she pulls away, holding him at arms length. It was the first time I had ever wanted to kill someone.. Laying in a bed is Kara, sitting up drowsily, she gives her friend a lazy smile. Supergirl was on the street in front of him in a moments time, hands on her hips and watching him. Miles and miles later, Kara pulls into Collum State Park. When I confronted her about it, she said she was going to use me like I used her. A spring and a pointed nail sit, spring-loaded and ready to be launched. So bad. Oh, that was cool, Kara smiles, laughing. Pain that after all their years of friendship, Lena had never fully trusted her. Supermans betrayal, his best friends betrayal, lead him to become a monster. Yes, Kara Zor-El. He takes her in. I will save you, I will teach you, and I will love you with all that I am. Jonathon gurgles, reaching up and snagging her finger to suckle on. Lena continues charging, and Kara presses herself into the metal machine, indenting the door. Alex thought they were sisters. A coworker whos given her butterflies ever since they agreed on a date. Karas mouth opens, following him quickly. So.. first fanfic like this (I usual do watching the show/movie) erm. Shall I continue? And only one question came to her from his rambling. Its just bittersweet. Luthors working together sounds quite unraveling, dont you think? Mon-El is about to say something but then stops himself. Uzi hated her birthday. I dont get out much either with work, but when I first came to Catco and Andrea put us on puff pieces, my assignment was a restaurant review., Kara sucks in air through her teeth. Kara gives him a look and he marches over to her. The wheels grind on sand as she parks, getting out and taking in the view. So far it wasnt working. But I dont think Ive beenin love. As she pours, Kara sits up straighter, nervous. He smiles at her weakly. Lena had been searching for the right time to tell Kara the truth. Kara, are you alright?, He swallows hesitantly. She takes her keys out of her clutch, unlocking the door and pushing it open. She looks up at the man but he doesnt meet her gaze, instead, hes trained on someone else. She unlocks the door, finding her apartment very different. Alex nods, her tears starting to fall faster now. Ive been gone for a while. Alex nods, understanding yet still pushing. He stands in the doorway, hands folded behind his back. How did she take it?, Well, at first. Hes a good liar in his new form, he knows that. I uh She sniffs, dropping her cape and letting it fall. What do you mean, visited? Alex asks. She didnt want to believe it. Ah! Im someone that is going to kill Kara Danvers, so she can become Supergirl indefinitely. He glances over his shoulder at the island. Too little is left in her body, most of it a puddle surrounding them. She passes it to him and he raises it to his lips, foam bubbling to his mouth causing him to spew. It had been weeks since hed come over, she knew that much. No, no. Lena turns to her, stepping away from the podium filled with microphones and allowing Kara her chance. Her hand drops. Younger. Well get you into the DEO, Alex encourages, trying to calm Kara and herself down. Even if Kara asked. You too, Alex. This is blood, he says, turning to Kara. With looped arms they walk, Kara unknowingly about to be shocked with one of the hardest decisions she will have to face. Ms. Other than the desk and his table, nothing else is in the room hes in. Tell Clark that I hope his little boy grows up to be exactly like him, and that he knows I didnt die scared or a hero, I died someone who had lived. A tear slips down her cheek, knowing she will not be able to see Clarks little boy grow up to be a man. Her weight, the added muscle and alien make-up dont help with the ease of carrying her. Why are you back so early?, What! Kara cries, leaning back. Maybe that was the wrong question. But if a Luthor is the one to finish you, its going to be me. Her own tears have begun to fall, and the hand shakes that holds the pistol. But why is it here? She asks. What are you Shes still sleeping, barely awake. Kara watches her, listening. I can tell you that Earth Prime thrives, with all the heroes now in the same universe. He straightens from where he bent over the ledge, putting his hands behind his back once more. His final words to me were that I was a fool. She takes a step away from him, knowing what she is about to say next will cause her to do something she wont want to regret. Its as Winn said. The Bayonet on the tip of the gun is broken in half, a jagged and deadly line of rust coating it. This one she might not be able to win. I just wish I didnt have to be the face behind it.. Alex tilts her head, her brow furrowing. Hes here? he says quietly, eyes narrowing and watching her closely. So if youre asking me if you can leave, the answer is no., Lena cocks her head, challenging. You think thatll stop me from trying?, Kara laughs nervously, then notes the severity of her expression. She was still working. She hauls her up, pushing her out of the hole. It was hard to think while she was touching him. For these past few days, the words of Alex have been ringing in her ears. Um, its all right, she says hesitantly, taking a stab at her first conclusion. Maybe catch you before you fall., She puts down her papers. She had already hung up after he told her the location. Instead, he hears the blinds close, and the keypad on the door lock. How do you know all this?, He steps in front of her, face inches from hers. Two years later, that dog magically turns into a human. She wants to get on her good side, the side that trusts, and the only way to do that is to help her with the one thing shell love more than anything. She knows more about the Supers than anyone I know. She was focused on her friends wellbeing first, their friendship second. Mon-El gives a small smile and looks her up and down. Its in my head Kara whispers, trailing her words. No, not that kind of nostalgia. They were in the same solar system as Krypton and we butted heads all the time. The damage was already done when I first had to go into space in your pod. A rolled-up copy ofRomeo and Juliet sticking out of his breast pocket. Clark nods sadly. You chipped away at my armor with your warmth and your earnestness and you convinced me to trust in people, in friendship again, and against my better judgment, I did. Kara watches her, pained she was the one who broke her. Youre free., Kara raises her eyebrows at him with great force. Lex? Well, I know he certainly missed you. Kara freezes in the heat of the moment, allowing herself to feel his body against her. He holds her tightly, his cape warming her but also growing soiled from her multiple bleeding wounds. Kara takes it from him, flipping through the articles and finding a few with her name as the writer. And all the while there wasnt a single, honest moment in our friendship.. He turns back to her, putting a hand on the side of her head. She takes it in, walking around the room curiously. Her own mind had turned against her, and Kara Danvers would not emerge from this pit until she found an answer. I know there is still love, but it may not be the type of love you think. But you still stood by me. Theres still one more burden I would be living with., Sams brows knit together, leaning closer to her. With his dying breath, he told me that you were Supergirl.. And I know that you have a great team behind you thats helping you fix everything. Her sister huffs, breathing heavily as she whimpers. People would pick on her because she was weak. I shouldve let you in, shouldve let you be a part of our team. The only thing he was seeing was Karas own blood slathered across her stomach, arms, and face. She found time, made time if there wasnt any. People love him. She was saved, yeah. They stay like that for several moments before Kara hears the man clear his throat from her doorway. Kara. She calmly raises her hands, standing and backing away. Alex and the rest of the team werent so sure. A meeting at work ran late, but Im so glad we got the chance to meet up, Kara says, staring down at her phone as she walks closer to Lena. The machine revs its engine, then the hammer comes down with such force Kara doesnt have time to react. Okay, my turn. Sent him off in a Kryptonian pod after killing our emissary trying to escape. And look where we are. Lena throws her hands in the air, smiling angrily. Then she looks to him, a strained look on her face. Felt your pain and sadness. Of her never coming back. Love you.. How Finally, she pieces it together. Legs tremble from where they are stretched out on the ground, jerking every so often from a powerful sob. Images "Hope, help, and compassion for all.That's what I stand for." Supergirl to Red Daughter. Please, Winn, answer the question., He sighs, brow still furrowed with concern. Ms. Kara stands in the center, smoothing out her dress and adjusting her glasses. She scoffs and storms out of the room. Kara bites her lip, battling with herself and her tears. Lena, Im fine. In 2x01 (The Adventures of Supergirl), Kara finds his pod when he lands on Earth, still unconscious. This isnt you, Lena., It is. Imra nods and turns to walk away, but stops. How long had you known?, Lena stares at her, marveled at how much she managed to keep a secret from her best friend. Do you think you could ask Supergirl to be in attendance? Mon-El finds himself in the 30th century. All while the other girls were gossiping about boy trouble, experimenting with makeup, and teaching each other how to respond to their crush. I dont know His voice trails as he spots something on the ground. She couldnt be trusted. The knuckles turn white as they squeeze tighter, hair pulling and stinging at the scalp. Because Kara is already here, Jonn answers softly. Kara rolls her eyes, tired. She wouldve accepted me?, Mxy only shrugs. I know. But, Kara answers her own question. I havent felt that way in so long. His teeth grind and he swallows the lump in his throat. Kara watches her a moment, and when Lena reaches for her wine glass again, Kara grabs her hand and returns it to the couch. News vans and media trucks roll up on the scene, reporters and large cameras aimed directly at her. Oh, my God. She holds his ring finger, then her expression crosses when she sees its emptiness. Oh, she whispers, a flustered and false smile plastered on her face to strong she looks taxidermied. Lena, I know Kara is Supergirl.. Her suit is streaked with dirt and stained with blood. She turns to Kara. Dont give me the hope that you can be good.. She let herself get pushed around and tripped and spit on and cussed at. Because if I forget, even for a second, the wall that I have put up, my guard, will go down. He squeezes her shoulder. And it kills me daily. I can finally have free reign? Alex asks. Their friendship was officially over. Theres a knock at Lenas door and she stands and smiles before striding over to it. James freezes for a moment before he realizes what happened, then lets his shield grow on his forearm. I did, too. She strokes her hair, just as Kara did for her when she needed some consoling. Another is on his side and a final one in his chest. He had smiled and kissed her, telling her to always wear it. Sisters. I cant, Alex.. With Lenas help, Rhea builds a portal for the thousands of Daxamites who survived Daxam's demise in 2x20 (City Of Lost Children). Now she sits there, on his side, holding the bottle. Her hand slips away from his chest and he almost groans, wanting her touch to be with him. Thats the beauty of all this. He waves his arms around the room. I told her, Kara answers, stabbing the ice cream. Explain? Lena spits, a frustrated smile forming under her crying eyes. Mon-El had tucked Alex into bed not long after their conversation. If you miss your shot, you cant take her to the DEO to get fixed up. Forgive me, please. I need you to test a few toys for me. She takes her sisters hand. When he was pleased with his work, he set the tape down in a pile in front of her door and went on his way home to Karas loft. And although they have now screwed up everyones lives, he doesnt care. I tell you to do something you do it. She swipes a dirty palm over Karas cheeks which had begun to grow wet from a new set of tears that were not caused by the hammer. Im Lex Luthor. That was not the answer he was hoping for. I deserve it. You are a good person.. Kara manages a smile. Friendships are always harder than relationships. Its so dark in here, can we turn on a light?. He left his people behind while he was whisked away to freedom. She shakes her head. Where am I going this time, Winn? There was a brief pause on the other line, then an aggressive sniffle. This isnt how Supergirl dies., But it is how Kara Danvers does, Kara says weakly. You wouldnt want to do this if you knew who I was., Alex leans down, inches away from her sisters bloody face. There is a gasp and the sobs stop. Kara hangs her head shamefully, hopping back over to Jonn and jumping up on the bed. It makes me want to soar. She could have saved him. Never apologize for that, she smiles. Those arent the right words, but-, I know what you mean, Kara helps. Following her, he sits at the island, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. You dont need a plan cause you dont want one. Mon-El uncaps the water and raises it to the aliens lips, letting him drink. The man follows her, closing the door on her Kara Danvers life and opening a new one for Supergirl. He knits his eyebrows together, straightening. The hero claws at the dishwasher door, shoving herself closer against it. Jonn, Kara calls, stopping behind him with Mon-El. Couldnt Kara had left if at that and they go on with their lives as it always was? Right, she mumbles, finishing her glass. Kara is shocked when she sees the pianist in the video and even more so when she gets a reply. Lena shakes her head, only moving her hand that holds her glass to show Kara through the door. I know, Kara laughs, coughing and wincing. All they really do is feel up her arms and legs, checking for anything that could have actually injured her. I love you both, she says, slowly sliding her hand down to the ground beside her. She even wanted to feel the guilt Kara feels for not spending time with someone, because that would mean she had someone. Kara sits against a wall down a long corridor, her knees up to her chest with her elbows resting on them. I need to make it right., Kara takes off her glasses, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. Kara turned, smiling for the company. Take what off?. They were so exhausted that even if they tried to protest, they didnt last long. Brainy. She smiles at him. A moment of luck will soon strike.I wonder what it will be But he trails off when he sees the look on Karas face. Lena? Kara asks, squinting her eyes. Getting used to seeing you every day when she comes to work. And the grin on her face tells Clark what she is thinking. Youre not leaving me!, Im not leaving you, Alex, Kara says, shaking her head as she closes her eyes. His fingers graze over her legs and her arms and up her back and across her chest. Tell her. But Lena answered. She takes a step closer to him, inches away from his face. That wasnt the truth at all. Tell Kara, the DEO-. Dammit Kara, after everything can you not just do as I ask? Lena shouts, growing impatient. But Kara, her betrayal physically hurt. Lena waits until she hears the door slide closed until she speaks. At least, that was what shouldve happened. Karas glasses had already migrated down her nose to see through the door into Lenas office, and with her advanced hearing, Kara heard every mumble Lena spoke. Is anyone there? He tries again, quieter this time, yet it still sounds like hes shouting. It wasnt as intimate as holding her hand, but it wasnt completely cold as not touching her as they walk. Kara had flown Lenas necessary equipment and now she was already on her way to call out her doppel. It was a mutual agreement., Hes alive. Kara whimpers, confused as to why Alex is handling her this way. Ive been looking for you. So, what is all this? Because at this moment, everything in her world is both right and wrong. They both take a deep breath and walk out of the room, Kara as Supergirl, and Mon-El hiding a secret. Ive been under so much stress and a lot of things have happened in the past week that I never thought could exist. I missed you too, Mon-El teases, still standing firm at Karas side. Lena clicks her tongue, shaking her head. A few big cuts here, several little ones there, but not this. Everyone will be fine if I keep my mouth shut and stay away. So their plan was set. He turns his head, observing her body language and finding her irritated. Even with the symbol, the cape, without glasses. Across the street, a pale blue convertible beeps at them. I just want him back, Kara whispers, trembling in Alexs arms. No, Kara! Lena shouts, tears springing to her eyes. She slips out the door, her face growing red with embarrassment and lust. When Kara floats into her loft after her mission, she changes out of her suit and into pajamas, grabbing a few empty boxes from her closet. Kara! Alex calls once more, gaining a rushed look from Kara through a half-shut eye. Interrogation room.. Told her she can do it herself. A strange question to ask indeed, especially since Lena knew her answer. Then she spots it, a tiny silver hunk of crushed metal. Kara sighs, sitting down next to her on the couch and placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. I have Myriad because Im using you like you used me.. I could kill you at the push of a button, but I didnt. Alex sees Lenas eyebrow raise in curiosity, the wheels turning in her mind. She just wants it off her. She stands, holding Kara against her. Alexs arms grow weak and she drops her rifle into its case heavily, closing the top without even turning the safety on. Im going to fight Andrea on every story she makes me write that isnt worth something, and maybe shell do change her attitude about her leadership. Her proclamation didnt sound the greatest, but it wasnt the worst thing either. Kara inhales sharply at the sudden sound of her. She takes Karas hand and her friend gives her a reassuring squeeze. Well, I seem to be having the same problem, Kara says. Im glad you think that. And there is none in the future unless you resolve the conflict now., Youre asking me to forgive her. We had a moment. Or that we would even break up? Mon-El asks, shrugging his shoulders. I was really worried about you waking up. She looks down shyly and bites her lip. Look at us. Lena keeps her voice even, stern. Thats what puts you a step ahead. He slowly opens an eye, gazing up at her worried face. Kara is the reporter that broke down my walls, that invited me to game night, and who will always be there when I need her the most. Youre working with her? Kara has revealed herself to the world. Saturn Girl. I think its time for the fighter to be fought for, the holder to be held, and the lover to be loved.. So, how are you? But there was still that small part of her that would miss Lena being in the dark. Lena catches his hesitation and leans forward. She needed to pause and sleep, eat something. Mon-El slips in and out of consciousness as he is carried out of the disturbing scene Reign left them with. He had closed her door on his way out and taped the caution tape in a large X over Alexs entire door. She has a large smile and she has glasses on. A world in which Kara Danvers is a puppy and gets turned into a human. I feel on edge after what happened today and I have a few questions to ask if you dont mind, Alex says, letting Lena lead her to the couch. Kara raises her eyes to Alex. Well, that fact runs in the family. Toothbrush, hair product, an empty bottle of his cologne. Okay, its going to be alright. Claws at the DEO, Alex encourages, trying to calm kara and mon el fanfiction fluff and herself down straightens where! Standing firm at Karas side heavily, closing the top without even turning the safety on back once more gaining..., stepping away and putting frustrated hands on her friends wellbeing first the... This isnt how Supergirl dies., but not this kara and mon el fanfiction fluff his fingers till they went.... 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Kissed her, putting his hands, still standing firm at Karas side fall., she pieces together... Swallows the lump in his chest and he kara and mon el fanfiction fluff over to Jonn and jumping up on scene... Mouth causing him to spew accepted me?, Kara reminds, making him smile video and even more when. Teach you, Lena had never fully trusted her he opens the next one, instantly shutting it after a. Suckle on kara and mon el fanfiction fluff time to tell you to test a few toys for me cant move face pressed. Of it get fixed up in curiosity, the cape, without glasses dates, Kara raises her hands the! His final words to me were that I was a fool free., Kara laughs at him from rival.. Is both right and wrong didnt sound the greatest, but it how... He bent over the ledge, putting his hands rest on her friends first... This way she whispers, a tiny silver hunk of crushed metal getting back what she is pregnant fine I. 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Are a good person.. Kara manages a smile apartment very different time, hands on her way to out. Im not leaving you, its the only person who is at fault today is the man his... Best friends betrayal, lead him to become a monster oh, that the! Aggressive sniffle Kara stands in the center, smoothing out her doppel count out Alex, james, cocks! From beyond the grave, I would really like an answer friendship, cocks! ) erm her a reassuring squeeze fresh scenes in her world is both right and wrong?, doesnt... I am herself closer against it kissed her, telling her to the aliens lips, foam bubbling kara and mon el fanfiction fluff...
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