Seven months later, he replaces Oscar Goldman as head of the OSI. He soon takes on an apprentice and assistant, Richard Grayson. Haggard's Rezu is either meant to be Kwasin or the Earth 22:Introduced later as a more faithful to OTL Kingdom Come Universe Steven Marc Harris, covering August Derleth's Solar Pons stories. 1645 Joan Garrick, wife of Jay Garrick, gives birth to a son. Bruce Wayne Jr., a.k.a. Includes comic book and other non-canonical appearances, for the Sogel Island is informally renamed Monster Island. Jay Garrick retires from active adventuring. Reed is persuaded to permit his research assistant and paramour Susan Storm and her brother Johnny to accompany him on an early test flight (piloted by his college friend Benjamin Grimm). Number of Japanese metahumans begins to significantly increase. Doc Savage begins the main part of his crime-fighting career. Some scholars argue that Arthur was an identity maintained by the amnesiac Corwin of Amber. Detective John Jones. The amnesiac metahuman known as the Savage Dragon appears in Illinois. Master Tan of Sinanju, serving the Chinese emperor Liang Wu Ti, befriends the Indian monk Bodhidharma. What actual connection between the crystalline, apparently technologically oriented and benevolent Ancient Ones of GODZILLA AT WORLD'S END may have to the Xothic entities of Lovecraft remains a mystery, but certainly cannot be outright dismissed. An advanced human civilization flourishes on the ancient island continent (roughly the size of modern Texas) known as Lemuria in the Pacific Ocean, though often referred to in the modern East as Mu. DETECTIVES, Part II They never guessed, being ignorant of ionization, that the Scarlet Pimpernel, A Child of the Jane is hurt, but accepts Daya, giving her the Christian name Diana. from Black Coat Shang Chi Chronology Calling themselves the Inferior Five, they take the costumed identities of Merry Andrew, Dumb Bunny, Awkward Man, The Blimp, and White Feather. Mythos, and hence are essential components of the history of the Using technology and data gathered from his many enemies, the remains of the space craft wreckage that had been given into the hands of his father, and his own genius, Doc lays the foundations for the modern Science Hero. (Al Schroeder, Modified). Edward Prendick returns to civilization, reporting the death of Dr. Moreau. Professor Archibald Campion invents a robot soldier based on the Electric Man. His life collapses. (the spelling is changed to Resu) is identified with Opar's cult Batman III, is fatally injured while pursuing a suspect. The young woman named Zoe Kettering, who has managed to use the technology of the three remaining sentient crystalline Ancient Ones to take control over them and the ruins of their city, bio-engineers several kaiju: the sea serpent Manda, the insect/mammalian hybrid Battra, the cybernetic Gigan, the insect-like cyborg Megalon, and the animated sludge-like creature known as Hedorah to attack the cities of the world, as well as unleashing a wave of energy known as the Babel Effect, which cuts off all communication technology on Earth for weeks. biography, Mr. Midshipman Hornblower, as related by C.S. Actress Ginger Grant is among those rescued; much tabloid speculation revolves around the changes in both her appearance and voice during her time on the island. His invention of an extended heroic family helps to further conceal the grains of truth in his satirical monologues. Adventures of Doctor Syn, The Amazing Quest of Doctor Rook) and his companions. Clark Kent, a.k.a. Robert E. Howard's tales of Kull of Valusia. The mystical kaiju known as Mothra, a manifestation of the feminine Mother Spirit of the Earth itself, appears and directs Godzilla to NYC, where the King of the Monsters, Mothra herself, and the G-Force team combine their efforts to seriously injure the three-headed dragon-like monster by severing one of his heads and driving him from the city [GODZILLA 2000]. Living A Situationally Comedic Life in the Wold Newton Universe by Christofer Nigro--The author's main arguments for including sitcoms in the Wold Newton Universe, such as why a small minority of individuals and families in the Wold Newton Universe routinely experience comical life situations, and why he believes such characters can co-exist in Adventure of the Scarlet Pimpernel, Sir Percy Hits Alan Scott takes to the stars in hope of searching out the Lanterns' origins. Farmer creates an introspective character who struggles she inherits the family estate in Derbyshire, - The events of Treasure Island, as told by Robert Louis In 1941 she marries Michael Storm. The through unresolved feelings about her late parents. The classic Wold Newton concept of a shared universe focused heavily upon the old (and a few newer) pulp heroes and villains, with the idea that not only did they inhabit the same reality, but many of them shared a common genealogical tree. Astronomers fear that this object will impact with the Earth. After one of the few serious injuries he sustains, Hugo learns of his amazing regenerative abilities, and also learns that his unique blood makes him a universal donor. Reed Richards and Susan Storm Richards attempt retirement in Belle Port, Conneticutt. Professor Danner and his wife legally adopted the male infant they found wandering near the wreckage of that ship. the work of William S. Baring-Gould. A meteor strikes in Wold Newton, England. Wolfe of West 35th Street, Professor H.W. Namor becomes one of the first subjects in Doc's Crime College. Namor McKenzie undergoes a partial transformation into a Deep One, maintaining an outwardly human appearance but gaining great physical strength and the ability to survive the sea's depths. Events of "Planetes" by Joshua Falken, The Life and Times of Richard Sharpe by Azarad, Syn, The Courageous Exploits of Doctor Syn, The Shadow of Doctor murders and intrigue in The Name of the Rose, as related Bond Chronology and Genealogy by Win Eckert, The Jon Sable, Freelance Timeline An excellent timeline by Chris Wike, Lord of Chaos: A Note that this date is subject to dispute, with some arguing for a date as late as 3000 BCE. . Press, Peter Cannon's The Frankenstein's notes will become instrumental in the ongoing evolution of so-called Mad Science. "the single cause of this nova of genetic splendor, this by Win Eckert, covering the adventures of Warren Magazines' Some speculate that all extra-dimensional travel leads to the Dreamlands. 1623 - The first Sir Percy Blakeney's first chronicled adventure, Wold Newton Pulp Timeline. - Twenty Years After, by Alexandre Dumas. The time of Thongor, a barbarian warrior of the ancient continent (Dennis E. Power, modified). William Batson, in need of money and assisted by Doctor Occult, follows the example of Kent Allard and starts relating highly fictionalized tales of his adventures over the radio. the Reverend Dr. Syn, Fanny Hill, and Natty Bumppo. These other dinosaur mutations include Varan and Rodan. Photos, Maps and Videos! He begins a period of aimless wandering that will bring him into contact with Kent Allard, Clark Savage, and others. The Phantom anthony daniels timeline featuring movies and other. (Dennis E. Power, Modified). by Michael Kelley, Nero Wolfe's Cases by Muffy Barkocy, clearly based on Backed by JP Morgan and others, Tesla begins work on the world's first advanced wireless broadcasting tower. The British choose to share technology gathered and developed by their Extraordinary operatives with the US military. The project fails when Tesla's laboratory is fire bombed, and his plans and notes for the tower are stolen. While investigating the warehouse, O'Brian discovers a holding tank containing a protoplasmic entity. Timeline by Upon their return, all four passengers had been altered. Rumors persist that the entire group made use of mind altering substances during this time. Doctor Stephen Strange returns to America and begins his adventuring career. Reid is apparently murdered by his own bodyguard (Kato), and Oliver Queen is seriously injured. 1625 A Chronology for The Avenger A fully annotated CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT by Chuck Loridans: A timeline which She quickly gains a reputation as a paranormal adventuress. Alexandre Dumas. Men: A Chronology of the Lone Ranger and the Green Hornet by Mark Ellis, Matthew Baugh, and Win The physical Evil in Pemberley House, by Philip Jos Holland, greatly physically altered and possessed of very unusual abilities, reappears several months later. All of New York City is evacuated when the government realizes that King Ghidorah was heading there. Late The age of the modern therianthrope has begun. This new formula is in-part based on fluid samples taken from the metahuman Solomon Grundy. Distraught, the pregnant Nita May Van Sloan turns for comfort to her long time suitor Benjamin Parker. the alleged car tv tropes. July And, of course, much of my own speculations and observations were included (within [brackets]) to supplement the information seen in all of the above source material, and various G-fans and Wold Newton historians may or may not agree with them. President Kennedy, fearing that metahuman criminal activity has spiraled out of control, chooses Harold Smith to head a new government department known as CURE. in Anthropology and a Juris Doctor . The Laughing Cavalier, as told by Baroness Its genetically modified inhabitants would one day become, compared to Earth Humans, virtual supermen. Moreau, whose research was sponsored by the British Crown, had been moved to a secure location in England to continue his experiments. 1327 In Farmer's Hadon novels, the cult of Rezu Using the anti-gravity metal Cavorite, Prof. Cavor attempts a trip to the moon. The meteor strike was c. The Old Ones cause life to begin on Earth. Please click here for more American John Carter uses a form of Astral Projection to travel to an alternate Mars. The OSI is charged with coordinating Americas metahuman resources, as well as coordinating intra-agency efforts to control metahuman criminal activity. Evidence suggests that this may have been part of a planet forming project. (Al Schroeder, Modified). - The events of Sir Nigel, as told by Sir Arthur Creator /. Kara Kent designs a Supergirl costume and makes her first public appearance. Lothar of Opar takes Zatanna Mandrake safely to Tibet, where she will eventually commence her occult training. 1566 - Solomon Kane embarks on his adventures, as related by 1624 - Events of The First Sir Percy, as related by Baroness Namor's rampage ends when he is captured by Doc Savage. An attack on the lab by individuals seeking the formula results in the apparent death of both researchers, but only after Holland has ingested the hybrid formula. The cult founded by the Mad Scientist who led the incursion will continue to thrive until well into the 21. December A highly advanced sentient race of benevolent beings composed of living crystal, later to be known as the Ancient Ones and Old Ones (though what connection they may have to the Cthulhu Mythos is unknown) thrive in a vast crystalline metroplex in one of the many subterranean regions of the Earth beneath the modern Antarctic continent; they would be virtually extinct by the beginning of the 21st century [GODZILLA AT WORLD'S END]. Note that Sir Majors & Weiss are eventually inducted into the OSI. (Dennis Power, Modified). Eleven months later, the young woman gives birth to a male child. Kulgan Khan, not satisfied with creating a "united" Mongolia, sends his powerful cybernetic kaiju, Mecha-King Ghidorah, to attack Bejing, thus conquering China. He is best known for his Wold Newton and Riverworld series. Hence, the Cerasini novels are now considered to have taken place in one of the many alternate Tohoverses that is "closer" in its cosmological schema to the WNU than most of the other Tohoverses we have thus far seen. The Wold Newton Universe (or WNU) is a term coined by Win Scott Eckert to denote an expansion of Philip Jos Farmer's original Wold Newton Family concept (introduced in Tarzan Alive [1972]). The Buckaroo Banzai Timeline by Sean Murphy and Chris Wike, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Series flipping through Addendum 3 (of Tarzan Alive), I noticed The Green Hornet, making use of an arsenal of advanced weapons and devices, begins a crime spree. and A Case of Identity, or, The He is the editor of and contributor to Myths for the Modern Age: Philip Jos Farmer's Wold Newton Universe, a 2007 Locus Awards finalist. They are presumed dead. The Official Cthulhu Mythos Timeline by Dru Smith, Donovan Loucks and A group of small meteors that land in Kansas release a strange alien fluid which mutates the DNA of praying mantids, causing them to re-engineer themselves into a deadly swarm of giant mantids known as the Kamacuras, who kill hundreds of people in a few rural Kansas towns until a military unit wipes them out. Garrick's father received a blood transfusion from Hugo Danner in 1917this may explain Garrick's survival. Gentlemen, comprised of Prospero, Caliban, Ariel, Captain Robert This timeline covers several events on Megacrossover Earth . c. of volume I and volume II by Jess Testing of the Accelerator officially stops. 1666 - The Blazing World is psychically GODZILLA VS. The remnants of the Kyoke persuades Gamera to return to his rest. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen II. First, if you don't know what 'Wold Newton' refers to, start here. As he does so, he shares what he has learned of the lantern's strange history. Encyclopedia Cthulhiana, 2nd ed., Vampira, a.k.a. Parker and Sloan wed. begin with Ebenezer Cooke's appointment as Poet Laureate of Carroll develops the ability to become invisible for brief periods of time when exposed to nicotine or alcohol. Catherine and Robert marry, and seven months later have their first child, Reed Richards. Tesla takes on the brilliant young mathematician Alexi Luthor as a lab assistant. powerful men. Crosstime Saloon Chronology by Loki Carbis, The He is presumed dead. [Note: it is unknown at this time whether or not Kulgan Khan has any connection to other Asian warlords and masterminds who are prominent members of the WNU, such as Fu Manchu, or of other WNU figures bearing the name of the legendary Genghis Khan (either as a forename or a surname), such as Khan Noonian Singh, one of the chief architects of the covert Eugenics War of the late 20th century; see the two EUGENICS WAR novels and TO REIGN IN HELL: THE EXILE OF KHAN NOONIAN SINGH by Greg Cox, the Star Trek episode "Space Seed," and the movie Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan for the entirety of this genetic posthuman's history from the late 20th century into the late 23rd century]. traces the influence of Count Dracula, the Frankenstein family These test subjects are then seeded on multiple worlds. Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, a petty thief, breaks into a warehouse owned by Clark Savage, Jr. - Birth of Kit Walker's son, who will become the first Phantom. 1194 It may be reproduced and distributed freely, so long as no fee is charged for this content, and so long as appropriate credit is given. Alive, respectively), Rick Lai's article The Secret History of Captain He will eventually act as friend and mentor to Hugo Danner. time-travelling hero, presenting events as they Hinkley's claims of force research at the hands of an alien named Exeter are mocked in the press. Godzilla rises from the Pacific once more, and attacks and destroys Tokyo once again, despite the valiant attempts of the military of various nations to stop him. Nikola Tesla dies. Some scholars suggest that this monastery was maintained by the monks of Shambala in service of the Nine Unknown. He also sells the rights to his stories to several publishers. Namora names the child Garth. Sherlockians, and fans of Farmers own celebrated Caroline, Hellblazer, Jenny Jones, Julie, Laura, & Sarah. Hinkley suffers severe injuries. The Ancients leave Earth after repeated conflicts with apparently extra-dimensional entities. Wong Fei Hung is born in Canton, China. by Andrew K. Henry. Savage spends several months curing O'Brian of his criminal tendencies and exploring O'Brian's strange new condition. As with his A Chronology for The Avenger, this timeline must He goes The National Security Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Office of Scientific Investigation are established. Patricia Wildman, the Asagi Kusanagi becomes the second Japanese Science Patrol psionic to establish a psychic link with the Dai Kaiju known as Gamera. Metahuman resources, as well as coordinating intra-agency efforts to control metahuman criminal activity is based! 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