Bell is a massive company with several layers of bureaucracy, its not the type of place where you can fire the face of the network without going higher up the food chain. Audrey Hepburn. Hwang pushed back several sources said she retained a lawyer to fight the move while LaFlamme backed up her longtime associate. "I think about the soldiers who we saw lose their legs in Afghanistan, orbabies born intarpaulins after the earthquake in Haiti, all of these things, those are sudden changes they don't come back from," she said. Where do you shop? Lisa LaFlamme is firmly entrenched as CTVs National News anchor and senior editor after taking over from legendary broadcaster Lloyd Robertson on September 5, 2011. Last Friday was a great day for Meghan Markle, and a terrible one for her half-sister, Samantha Markle. St. Joseph Communications uses cookies for personalization, to customize its online advertisements, and for other purposes. It's my first couture gown. "I have to cut off the conversation because I get so upset," she tells DiManno. When talking about it, a twinge of somethingdiscomfort? Supporters describe LaFlamme as professional, passionate about her job and caring, but now the victim of a cold corporate culture at Bell. After we start on the red carpet together, he's off to report on the parties. The claims of ageism, sexism or a toxic work environment are all interesting and get people talking but when you get down to the why, its about egos and vision. Demeaning to journalists and editors in the newsroom was a frequent description. As does the fact that he has appointed Ramneek Gill as the general manager of CP24 and CTV News Toronto and Sophia Skopelitis as general manager of CTV News Channel and BNN Bloomberg. "News coverage of such a pivotal moment in history is integral to achieving our mission of keeping Canadians connected and informed, and Lisa LaFlamme's incredible talent and wealth of experience are befitting of an event of this magnitude,"said Rogers presidentColette Watson. The DiManno column goes on to state that LaFlamme ended up leaving her cottage and travelling back to Toronto when she got a call from Rogers Media, asking her if she would help cover the death. Not My Choice. A TV Anchor Is Ousted, and Viewers Ask: Was Sexism to Blame? I pack a bag and take half out.
I really love simple, classic looks. Did LaFlamme finally pay the price for her role in a costly lawsuit? I think anybody who sees my dress will love it. Follow. Tyrannical, vicious and mean are some of the words used to describe Hwangs style in dealing with colleagues. And so maybe we train ourselves to hear the negative. it odd that you have to dress for the red carpet, just like the people you are covering? This advocacy is not new, she points out, and predates her departure from CTV. The video also generated a steady drumbeat of outrage over how Bell Media treated Ms. LaFlamme, a veteran journalist whose rsum includes war zone reporting, the latest national news anchor award and over a decade as chief anchor of Canadas most-watched nightly news show. When I turn around, it will be clear I'm working. When we chat, shes a few weeks out from a trip to Kenya, Tunisia and the Democratic Republic of Congo to showcase reporters working on stories about gender-based violence. So he made a loop on the back of the dress for my mike pack. Kick back with the Daily Universal Crossword. I am fine.". dark humour?crosses her face. Over the weekend, a former prime minister, Kim Campbell, joined the singers Sarah McLachlan and Anne Murray and other high-profile Canadians in condemning the dismissal, saying Bell had confirmed one sad truth: Even after all the progress women have made, they continue to face sexism and ageism at work every day., In its initial statement about Ms. LaFlamme, Bell Media said its decision had been driven by changing viewer habits, without offering further details. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Newsrooms are a tough, difficult place and the niceties that we demand of others are often thrown by the wayside. (Samantha and Meghan have the same father, Thomas Markle, but are the children of his first and second marriages, respectively. Citytv in Toronto hired them to cover the Queens funeral, and they produced daily coverage as well as a seven-hour special. DiManno states how the 58-year-oldwent to the cottage for those two months to try and escape and did lots of tear-shedding. I have a clothing allowance because I prefer shopping for myself. Reports allege her hair colour may have played a role in her dismissal. Photo by (Photo Supplied by CTV for Postmedia). Women can be rewarded for playing by these gender rules, and women who stray from what is considered acceptable presentation can expect to see those rewards withheld., Toronto celebrity hair stylist Jason Lee, who coifs many high-powered heads, says his clients in creative fields have more leeway to go grey with impunity: My clients who are businesswomen have an ongoing concern about looking young. Lisa LaFlamme, he says, made a groundbreaking statement with her hair: She brought the conversation to the forefront. That strong position may have been the problem, he says. I'll probably just wear earrings. You have to ask? said one of LaFlammes now former colleagues when asked if her own behaviour led to the departure. Theres no coming back from getting your legs blown off in Afghanistan, or an earthquake wiping out your family., For the past several months, life has offered an unexpected gift: the luxury of time to think about the future without worrying about when the next plane departs. Would she like to come down and audition? Everyone has a boss and if you clash with them, someone is headed for the exit. Last August, LaFlamme announced on Twitter that CTV's parent company, Bell Media, had made a "business decision" to end her contract. In the midtown Toronto home she shares with her partner, former Toronto Star editor Michael Cooke, she walks past the shelf holding her 12 Canadian Screen Awards. Could LaFlammes decision to celebrate the most visual symbol of aging have been weaponized against her? "Long before my contract was terminated, women's rights, women's issues, from young women, to old women, to BIPOC women, has been something I have focused on. In response to an email, a Bell spokeswoman said, We will not be responding to any further questions on this matter. Ms. LaFlamme could not immediately be reached for comment. She says thank you because what else is there to say? For 35 years, journalist Lisa LaFlamme has been covering the newslast month, she found herself making it. In August, senior execs at CTV announced that it was prematurely ending her contract as the chief anchor and senior editor of CTV National News. In a video posted to Twitter, LaFlamme said she was blindsided by her firing. But when you know how to do something, you just figure it out. The networks had decades to prepare, and we had days, LaFlamme says with a laugh. Was Lisa LaFlammes ouster at CTV a case of cleaning up a toxic workplace? LaFlamme has no idea if her hair played any role in Bells decision. Why would you fire someone over allegations of a toxic work environment when the person who is most complained about is asking questions at the townhall on the firing. It's made by Stephan Caras. I dont buy that argument as Bells reason for forcing her out, and as you will see, there is reason to doubt claims of a toxic work environment were behind efforts to remove Hwang from the CTV newsroom, as well. Ms. LaFlamme was at the top of her profession, having interviewed heads of state and reported from countries in conflict and disaster-stricken cities, among them Iraq and Afghanistan after Sept. 11; New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. I don't like big earrings. The sleek mane that displaced Justin Trudeaus as the most famous mop in the country and ignited an international debate about sexism and ageism? This article was published more than 21 years ago. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Creative inspo, fashion shoots, celeb profiles and all things zodiac. And it had nothing to do with what she was really interested in: telling the stories of the people caught up in the news. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. The Oscars have always been appointment television for me. The latest trending news: hot product launches and cool collabs. WebFormer CTV National News anchor Lloyd Robertson has entered the chat. As a female leader at Bell Media with many years of service, I also want you to know that my experiences have always been consistent with a positive, collaborative and inclusive environment, Moses wrote. Let those Hollywood leading ladies have their dozens of gowns, their legions of stylists and the stress of having to make a decision. A welcome email is on its way. This was mine. After the Twin Towers fell, she hopped in a car with a producer, driving all the way to lower Manhattan, where they choked on the acrid air and were nearly arrested for trespassing. In New York City, its Elios. Those are the stories, overlooked by the rest of the world, she still wants to tell. And I'm happy to talk. Any million-dollar diamonds coming your way? "Legally there's only so much I can say.". He went on to acknowledge LaFlammes influence on him as an inspiration and mentor, thanking her directly. "Journalists, especially women, become pincushions for the haters, if you will. "The Queen is the only monarch most of us have ever known. CTV exec goes on leave after Lisa LaFlamme controversy, Bell Media 'regrets' handling of Lisa LaFlamme ouster, CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices. And someonelets say someone seasoned and mature and capableis very keen to keep telling them. I know he's wearing a tuxedo. Crull had instructed newsrooms not to give Jean-Pierre Blais, then the chair of the CRTC, Canadas broadcast regulator, airtime. Canada AM Youve got your retro finger waves, first discovered in the 1920s, your messy grunge waves, originally endemic to the American Pacific Northwest, your rippling mermaid waves, most often spotted in sunny climes. Lisa LaFlammeformer national news anchor, silver-haired cause clbre, woman in the midst of a regenerationtilts her head graciously. ", "The whole handling of this from a public relations perspective is a cautionary tale from all of the other networks in how they handle the very challenging transition from a traditional television focused audience to a digital and on demand product. Such blatant ageism served against a Canadian icon? She even thinks vitriolic fashion commentator Joan Rivers will approve. Her warmth and passion for people and other cultures extends to her world travels. Its hard to conclude that LaFlamme wasnt part of the problem at CTV National. "I don't know how to recreate a life. LaFlamme sat down with The National and spoke more about hersplit with CTV, her future, and serving as a voice on women's issues in Canada and globally. "As far as what the relationship with LaFlamme is going to look like in the future, that's to be determined.". Even one journalist who maintained that they had only experienced good things with LaFlamme and Hwang said they were often referred to as the mean girls in the newsroom. And, be honest, will you wear slinky shoes or comfort shoes? We reserve the right to close comments at any time. You didnt think we could do this without talking about LaFlammes hair, did you? This movement, says Hauser, is all about giving people the opportunity to embrace themselves fully. She is Lisa LaFlamme, the news anchor who, for the last decade, has been the face of the most-watched nightly news show on Canadian television. Postmedia is committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion and encourage all readers to share their views on our articles. Roman Holiday too. When I started reading the stories about the toxic work environment on the Ellen DeGeneres show, it was like reading about the CTV newsroom, said one source. I'm never flashy. World's sexiest referee Claudia Romani nearly fouled out, HUNTER: Suspect in Vaughan murder's astonishing record of violence, Prince Andrew desperate to stay at Royal Lodge, CTV exec Michael Melling taking leave after Lisa LaFlamme departure, LILLEY: LaFlamme ousted over clash on CTV's new direction, tap here to see other videos from our team, she broke the news in a self-recorded video from her cottage that was posted to social media and tells us there is more to the stor, Unlimited online access to articles from across Canada with one account, Get exclusive access to the Toronto Sun ePaper, an electronic replica of the print edition that you can share, download and comment on, Enjoy insights and behind-the-scenes analysis from our award-winning journalists, Support local journalists and the next generation of journalists, Daily puzzles including the New York Times Crossword, Access articles from across Canada with one account, Share your thoughts and join the conversation in the comments, Get email updates from your favourite authors. Check your horoscope to learn how the stars align for you today. National CTV News anchor Lisa LaFlamme in photos provided by CTV Wednesday on February 3, 2016. Saturday in Green Park, London @CityNewsTO, One thing for sure is that although her exit is painful and completely wrong, she is still the beloved, respected and kick-ass journalistshe's always been. Anyone can read what you share. Despite high ratings, it seems Bell wanted to lose the big expense of her contract and find someone else who would do the job for what most of us would consider a handsome sum, but still well below LaFlammes annual take. Scoop a new vibe in the numbers and do todays Daily Sudoku. The idea thats been put forward by some that LaFlamme was fired because Melling, the VP of news, didnt like strong women who would push back on him simply doesnt hold water. How has your style evolved? The Sun reached out to Bell Media, Michael Melling, Lisa LaFlamme and Rosa Hwang for comment. CTV was a very prominent position for LaFlamme to go grey in, says Herz. It is a priority for CBC to create products that are accessible to all in Canada including people with visual, hearing, motor and cognitive challenges. Women wrote movingly about their own, less high-profile experiences with ageism and a double page open letter in support of LaFlamme ran in The Globe and Mail signed by luminaries such as Heather Reisman, Lloyd Axworthy and Romo Dallaire. She is an advocate for women in her industry, but equally importantpossibly more importantis her advocacy for women around the world. And I lived in France for two years. They are right out of Dickens. As in the United States, the internet and years of collapsing advertising revenue have left many Canadian news organizations in dire financial straits. Mirko Bibic, the president and CEO of BCE, Bell Media's parent, denied soon after in a LinkedInpost that LaFlamme's "age, gender or grey hair played into the decision.". Create an account or sign in to continue with your reading experience. More later @CityNewsTO If I go on a beach holiday, I pack almost no clothesa bathing suit, sun dresses and five books. It could be brutal by the end of the night. This summer, people have been seeing a lot of the ubiquitous coastal grandmother lookthink Diane Keaton in an oversized cardigan strolling along a Hamptons beachwhich seemed like a hopeful cultural sign of aging acceptance. Ninety-eight percent of it was positive, LaFlamme says. According to sources, Melling had tried to break up the dynamic duo of LaFlamme and Hwang by transferring Hwang from producing CTV National News to being the head of CP24 and the massive local Toronto news department. This creates a cycle of women both agonizing and obsessing over unobtainable youth, and also unfortunately dictates what our population wants to see more, or less, of.. The head of CTV's news division was eventually replaced. By submitting a comment, you accept that CBC has the right to reproduce and publish that comment in whole or in part, in any manner CBC chooses. Do you watch the Oscars for the clothes as much as the official business? After a Globe and Mail report, citing an anonymous CTV official, said that an executive had questioned Ms. LaFlammes decision to stop dyeing her hair and let it go gray, Canadian branches of companies like Wendys and Dove, in a gesture toward the anchor, turned their branding gray. Seems that at this point, the ship that is Canadas biggest broadcast news platform remains rudderless and without a captain. She says she submitted her work independently after finding out her former employer wasn't putting it forward. Foremost experts in the field have coined it whisper waves, as the hair presents but a hint of movement, a hushed suggestion of a wave. You need a waistband. In Vancouver I love Vijs; I am a big curry fan. "It was a business decision and that's what I know," she said. ), In the suit, brought in a Florida court, Samantha accused Meghan of defamation and injurious falsehood, asking USD, Elton John being there with him isn't the only reason, As her Eras tour kicks off, she has never been more powerful, Like Pamela Anderson, shes reclaiming the dumb blonde narrative, 13 styles destined to become favourites of your occasion wardrobe, SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTERSGet the latest beauty and fashion news, trends, contests and more - straight to your inbox, The Kit 2022, The Kit, a division of Toronto Star Newspapers Limited 8 Spadina Ave, 10th floor The Well, Bldg G, Toronto, ON, M5V 0S8, 416-945-8700, I Need Help Freshening Up My Closet For Spring, 8 Hair Trends That Are Going to Be Huge This Spring, The Spring 2023 Fashion Trends Are Going to be Fun, The Hot Shows and Films Youll Want to Cue Up This Spring, These Are The Biggest Wedding Trends for 2023, The Fitzroy Fashion Duo Are Changing How We Shop, Through Her Art, Winnie Truong Builds Worlds Without The Male Gaze, Angel Investor Arati Sharmas Lessons For Mastering the Art of Self-Belief, Sarah Polley Tells Womens Stories In All Their Complexity, a lawsuit that Samantha brought against Meghan, Why Prince Harry Looks So Happy to Be in Court in London, How Taylor Swift Took on Her Foes and Detractorsand Triumphed, Paris Hilton Played a Bimbo For Years. LaFlammes second day at Canada AM was Sept. 11, 2001. But mainly because she wants to move on. @LisaLaFlamme_ joins us LIVE, sharing details on the long lines in London - stretching as far as 7 kilometres - as crowds visit Queen Elizabeth IIs coffin: National CTV News anchor Lisa LaFlamme in photos provided by CTV Wednesday February 3, 2016. Lisa LaFlamme holds her award for best news anchor at the Canadian Screen Awards in Toronto on March 1, 2015. LaFlamme only talks about the aftermath of the controversy and does not speak about why or how it went down. Thats far above what Global pulls in and more than double CBCs ratings. The company made a business decision to end my contract, she said, adding that she was blindsided by the call. Italy; I would go back, I love it so much. Grooming signals individual womens participation in this system of patriarchal domination, says Wong. I remember thinking, this plane is never going to go down; Christiane Amanpour is on it! (Photo Supplied by CTV for Postmedia), Lisa LaFlamme 'blindsided' after being dumped by CTV National News for Omar Sachedina, LILLEY: The full story behind Lisa's 'LaFlamme out' at CTV National, CTV exec Michael Melling taking leave after Lisa LaFlamme departure, LILLEY: Bell just promoted Michael Melling, the man who fired Lisa LaFlamme, tap here to see other videos from our team, Unlimited online access to articles from across Canada with one account, Get exclusive access to the Toronto Sun ePaper, an electronic replica of the print edition that you can share, download and comment on, Enjoy insights and behind-the-scenes analysis from our award-winning journalists, Support local journalists and the next generation of journalists, Daily puzzles including the New York Times Crossword, Access articles from across Canada with one account, Share your thoughts and join the conversation in the comments, Get email updates from your favourite authors. Anchors away! In August, senior execs at CTV announced that it was I was flying over Baghdad airport from Amman, Jordan. And then I love a trip that requires research and investigation and searching for cool places to go. Today in the anchor chair she is grounded but never for long as that chair has wheels and LaFlammes insatiable appetite to discover and explore the world knows no bounds. LaFlamme has long been a critic of sexism in journalismin all industries, really. "When a big story breaks, that's all you can see. I'm going to pick them out in L.A. And then give it all back. Why be a victim when you can be a helper? The 58-year-old LaFlamme is a hero to many women, not just for her steady presence at the helm of major news stories, but also for her pandemic decision to go grey in front of the cameras. She ended up covering this story over 10 days, and according to the column, helped viewership skyrocket for CityNews. The next issue of Your Midday Sun will soon be in your inbox. BTS exclusives of photo shoots and press events, plus editor reviews. I know that sounds superficial, and it sounds silly, but theres a lot tied up in our hair, and theres a lot tied up in going gray.. There are girls and women in Canada and around the world who need support. 'You can take someone's job, but you can't actually erase their history and their body of work,' LaFlamme told CBC News chief correspondent Adrienne Arsenault. This website uses cookies to personalize your content (including ads), and allows us to analyze our traffic. "This could be a really great thing for the network,"she said, but added this is a one-time special correspondence event. Shes fielding offers and having conversations and doing things that feed me emotionally, like helping Afghan friends who are now living in Canada. She wanted stories to break on her newscast first and didnt appreciate the digital first strategy. There was an error, please provide a valid email address. Melling would definitely have required sign off from Moses, a woman, but according to sources it went to the company CEO for approval before anything happened. Shed dyed her hair in a military bathroom in Kandahar. Was Lisa LaFlammes ouster at CTV a case of cleaning up a toxic workplace? She hears this a lot. The outcry was instantaneous. If journalism is your passion, follow it. In the morning, the reporter would sneak home to breastfeed her baby. Those fans in London, and the ones across Canada, dont have to worry. co-host Lisa LaFlamme, who is headed to Los Angeles to cover the Academy Awards this weekend, has her dream gown ready. I love long skirts, that new 1940s length. Comments on this story are moderated according to our Submission Guidelines. Eight months ago, Bell Media, which owns CTV, made a move that in retrospect should have told us bigger changes were coming Wendy Freeman departed as head of CTV News. Comments are welcome while open. Brands including Wendy's and Dove even created social media campaigns about grey hair in solidarity. She If you are a Home delivery print subscriber, unlimited online access is. In August, senior execs at CTV announced that it was prematurely ending her contract as the chief anchor and senior editor of CTV National News. This website uses cookies to personalize your content (including ads), and allows us to analyze our traffic. Follow Tralee Pearce on Twitter: @traleepearceOpens in a new window. Editor test-drives, designer spotlights and trend deep dives. Neither Ms. LaFlamme nor Bell Media has described the specific reasons for her dismissal. Theres, Elton John being there with him isn't the only reason, As her Eras tour kicks off, she has never been more powerful, Like Pamela Anderson, shes reclaiming the dumb blonde narrative, 13 styles destined to become favourites of your occasion wardrobe, SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTERSGet the latest beauty and fashion news, trends, contests and more - straight to your inbox, The Kit 2022, The Kit, a division of Toronto Star Newspapers Limited 8 Spadina Ave, 10th floor The Well, Bldg G, Toronto, ON, M5V 0S8, 416-945-8700, I Need Help Freshening Up My Closet For Spring, 8 Hair Trends That Are Going to Be Huge This Spring, The Spring 2023 Fashion Trends Are Going to be Fun, The Hot Shows and Films Youll Want to Cue Up This Spring, These Are The Biggest Wedding Trends for 2023, How to Embrace Going Grey (Plus Makeup Tips for Your New Look), Makeup Artist Violette on Beauty and Aging the French Way, Getting Olderand Looking ItCan Be Devastating, Why Prince Harry Looks So Happy to Be in Court in London, How Taylor Swift Took on Her Foes and Detractorsand Triumphed, Paris Hilton Played a Bimbo For Years. In Grade 9, she told her guidance counsellor she wanted to be a journalist even though I wasnt exactly sure what a journalist did. This last observation, and many others, is followed with a long, throaty laugh. Now, a new subtype has been observed in the wild. She got in the car to head back to the city and said to Cooke, I need to find a job between here and Toronto., By that evening, she was on a plane to London with her producer friend, Redmond, who is now a freelancer. We talked about what I wanted, which was a gown that I could work in, not worry about, a gown with no major cleavage. Ive never been to Tahiti and Ive always wanted to go. Sources say it wasnt just budgets that they fought over, though that was a particular point of contention, it was also direction and staff. Op-Ed: The firestorm over the firing of a gray-haired female news anchor in Canada. I've had clothes made for me in Indonesia and Vietnam, but again, nothing like this. 1,225 © 2023, Globelite Travel Marketing Inc., All rights reserved. BTS exclusives of photo shoots and press events, plus editor reviews. Shell be making mini-documentaries for Journalists for Human Rights, concentrating on reporters like one in Goma she met in the past, who had to sleep in her newsroom at night because it was too dangerous to leave. I love to lie on a beach and do nothing for at least one week of the year. Ms. LaFlamme said it was crushing to be leaving CTV National News in a manner that is not my choice.. So much I can say. `` bts exclusives of photo shoots and press events, plus editor.! And for other purposes https: // '' alt= '' '' > /img... In to continue with your reading experience published more than 21 years ago comment. Vijs ; I would go back, I pack almost no clothesa bathing suit, Sun dresses and five.! Funeral, and allows us to analyze our traffic idea if her own led... 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